We are proud to announce the 2012-2013 Officers and Committee Chairs.
Jessica Lewis, President
Erica Turnipseed, Vice President/Provisional Trainer
Shannon Wallace, Recording Secretary
Shannon Wallace, Recording Secretary
Shannon Turner, Treasurer
Jennifer Flannagan, Assistant Treasurer
Julie Hill, Finance Chair
Jade Smith, Finance Co-Chair
Shannon Coker, Cookbook Chair
Bee Brister, Cookbook Co-Chair
Kathryn Cooper, Corresponding Secretary
Christi Dubois, Public Relations Chair
Heather Blaylock, Education Chair
Tracey Holcombe, Constitution/Scholarships/Grants Chair
Georgia Sasso, Projects Chair
Joni Pridmore, Nominations Chair
Ivey Ivy, Self-Evaluation Chair
Child Welfare
Sissy Conn, Co-Chair
Blair Thompson, C0-Chair
Jade Smith, Chair
Christi Dubois, Co-Chair
Sally Kate Winters
Georgia Sasso, Chair
Ivey Ivy, Co-Chair
Heather Blaylock, Chair
Kathryn Cooper, Co-Chair
Community Outreach
Bee Brister, Chair
Shana Cliett, Co-Chair
Partners in Parenting
Tracey Holcombe, Chair
Tracey Holcombe, Chair
Trish Young, Co-Chair