Junior Auxiliary Prayer

Send us, O God, as Thy messengers to the hearts without a home, to lives without love, to the crowds without a guide. Send us to the children whom none have blessed, to the famished whom none have visited, to the fallen whom none have lifted, to the bereaved whom none have comforted. Kindle Thy flame on the altars of our hearts, that others may be warmed thereby; cause Thy light to shine in our souls, that others may see the way; keep our sympathies and insight ready, our wills keen, our hands quick to help others in their need. Grant us clear vision, true judgement, with great daring as we seek to right the wrong; and so endow us with cheerful love that we may minister to the suffering and forlorn even as Thou wouldst. May the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, rest upon us and upon all our work. May He give us light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us now and forever more. Amen.

Friday, April 2, 2010

JA, SKW to "Light Up The Night" for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Members of the Junior Auxiliary of West Point work hard year-round, but the organization pauses during the first week of April to say thanks to their community for another great year.

The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries observes the first week of April as National Junior Auxiliary Week and, on March 26, Sponsor Arkansas Sen. Blanche L. Lincoln and Co-Sponsor Mississippi Sen. Roger F. Wicker introduced a resolution designating April 4, 2010 as National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Day. This resolution was passed/agreed to in the Senate the same day.

WPJA has 26 members who each donate 56 hours of service every year to the chapter’s various projects – from making sure every child in Clay County goes home from school with a free book to providing school uniforms and supplies to child in need to throwing a summer celebration for terminally ill young people.

“This is such an exciting week for us because it gives us a chance to thank all of the citizens of West Point for supporting us in our work,” stated WPJA President Allison Trolio. “The families and children we assist are so deserving and thankful, and none of it would be possible without the support of the entire community.”

JA members, along with the staff of Sally Kate Winters Memorial Children’s Home, are also asking the community to get involved in their next event “Light Up the Night.” To be held April 10, “Light Up the Night” will include a 5K, a kid’s run and a “Family Fun Night,” all in Sally Kate Winters Park downtown. Organizers hope the event will put focus on April being Child Abuse Prevention Month.

SKW Executive Director Sheila Brand explained, “As an agency, we have provided awareness activities for Child Abuse Prevention Month for several years. Adding the 5k run and Family Fun Night seemed liked the perfect fit for increased awareness this year.”

On the night of April 10, the park will glow with candle-lit honorariums and glow bracelets will be available as well to those in attendance. In addition to the runs, there will be jumpers for the kids and food and entertainment for everyone to enjoy.

“We are so excited about hosting our first ‘Light Up the Night’ and partnering with Sally Kate Winters in this event,” Trolio stated. “Although we are bringing awareness to a very serious problem, we really want to have a fun night for everyone in the community to enjoy.”

Brand added, “JA’s idea to sponsor the ‘Light Up the Night’ in conjunction with the Sally Kate Winters’ runs highlights the support they offer our program throughout the year. This will be a great event for all families in our community.”

Honorariums may be purchased for $10 each. For more information on “Light Up the Night,” please contact Jeana Whitacre at 456-6095 or the Sally Kate Winters Memorial Children’s Home at 494-4867.

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